Okay, so it's been a while since I've written. It's not that big a deal, though, because I know everyone reading this blog. Since we've last spoken, I started a new cycle... or at least I tried to.
I had a very surreal experience at the clinic the last time I went. It was the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and the office was packed. I remember being really irritated, really frustrated that it took so long and that I had to go back to the meter twice. While I was there, I met this woman. She just started talking to me about how she had three-year-old twins through the clinic, and how she was trying for another child. She was already picking out baby names. I remember her talking to her mother, and telling her that she met this really nice person at the clinic (me). When she went out to the meter herself, she brought me back breakfast. It was very nice of her, even if it was something that I don't eat. I gave it to the homeless man outside when I went to feed my own meter. Funnily enough, this guy gave me his meter sticker to put in my car because he was leaving. There was a lot of "Pay it Forward" going on that day.
There's something to be said for that woman's... I don't know... optimism, I guess. The fact that she was already picking out names even though she hadn't taken a single injection could be delusional. Maybe it's just blind faith. I resolved to be at least a little more like her. There is a part of me that recognizes, however, that sometimes the answer to your prayer is no. I hope that's not the case. Anyway, I received a call from the doctor that afternoon that the cycle needed to be postponed because my hormone level was too high. Given the fact that we only ended up with one successfully fertilized egg last time, "suboptimal" was not a good way to start. So off we go to the new year and better success. Hopefully.