Monday, April 13, 2015

Feeling much better

I called the doctor's office yesterday, and they called me in. Turns out that the pain was me passing the lining, and I'm just about done. So my body is super efficient in that way. They also gave me a prescription painkiller, which helped through the night and this morning. 

My HCG is now 760, so all physical traces may be gone pretty soon. Dr. E spoke to me yesterday, and said that he wants to touch base in a few weeks about next steps. He seems eager to try again.

I am on my way to work today for the first time. I told B that he would be able to get some work done since I wasn't curled up underneath him. He just patted my leg. One unexpected but good thing is that I feel like this has brought us even closer. 

I feel like tonight/tomorrow will be the hardest time. I will try to keep busy and hope these days pass quickly. 

It's been an interesting week. 


  1. Hope you are feeling better every day! Glad your doctor is eager to move forward, that is a very encouraging sign for sure!

  2. Thank you. Emotional is up and down, but physical is almost back to normal, which does help the healing process.
