Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Ralph Cramden moment

Saturday morning was pretty eventful. As I was getting my discharge instructions, I look out the window and they are towing my car! I tell the nurse, and run out without my jacket, clutching the side of my sweatpants with my hand. I took them out of the bag of clothes going to the Good.will this morning because it was super old and they are the warmest ones I have, but they slip from my waist to my hips, which is why I am getting rid of them.

So just picture me running out of the building gripping sweatpants as I try to figure out why they are towing my car and disparate not to miss them.

I stand there talking to the police clutching my pants as they tell me that I and three other people are parked in a bus stop. Totally bogus, as the muni meter is right there, but I have to go to the tow yard to pick it up. Sigh. I turn around to go back upstairs and attempt to tie my sweatpants tightly...

And the string pops. Lovely. Now I am holding them on, as opposed to just up. Does the nurse have any safety pins? No such luck, but they have mini binder clips. I am able to clip one on each side and now my pants are where they should be without me holding them there. I get my discharge instructions and hop on the train to go get the car.

I get out of the train and start a brisk walk to the the yard; a little too brisk for one binder clip, as it starts to loosen. So I walk down the street in the cold with my hand in my pocket clutching the sweatpants to hold them up. A slapstick comedy routine at its best, except it was real. I really did have to laugh.

Naturally I am fighting the ticket. And the pants are in the Good.will bag for good.

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