Friday, March 6, 2015

A little bit of knowledge... a dangerous thing. Looking at my phone. I have no less than 6, count 'em: s-i-x apps tracking my cycles and fertility. all with slightly different nuances, but a little overkill nonetheless. Maybe I should I write my own... But I digress. One of the apps has an IVF cycle phase option, and tidbits of information pop up when you enter things like number of follicles, hormone levels, etc. One popped up that said mature follicles produce 200-300mg/ml of Estrogen. Naturally, I start worrying about my levels. Then I put in <4 follicles, and a stat comes up about the lack of success with that number. Super-encouraging, right? I've been meditating recently on how negative perspectives can drive negative outcomes. Maybe I should trash that app.

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