Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Party of 3? - LONG

It's been a roller coaster of a morning. Too keyed up to really sleep, yet totally exhausted. Knocked out, but woke up a couple of times. Roll out of bed before the alarm. Forgot to call the nurse and ask if I should take the doxycycline before since I wasn't supposed to eat or drink after midnight; after talking to a cousin who had gone through the process and did take it the time her cycle worked, I decided to go for it with just enough water to get it down my throat. VERY bad idea. Took me all of 20 minutes to feel sick. And I threw up three times before I left. If you've ever vomited an empty stomach, it's worse when it's nothing but medication.

In the car with grumbling B (not his best at 6:30am in traffic), and getting anxious since we have to be there at 7. After bypassing two parking garages, we come to one that's closest and the most expensive... Gotta love it. We walk in the building at 7:05, however, so I'm OK.

They call me at 7:26 for a 7:30 appt... Nice. Make me go to the bathroom again and get undressed. B has gone upstairs to make his ...contribution. all my stuff in a locker and then I am signing off that it's OK to sedate me and take my eggs and I understand the risks... I mean really? why not have me sign that in the office? who says no? I get introduced to the RE and the assistant, and then into the room. Insert the anesthesiologist and the embryologist, who is given a band that looks just like mine with my name on it and stuff. Oh cool, we're twins :) I scoot down on the table and then they knock me out.

I wake up in a recovery room. They tell me it's 8:30 and ask how I feel. Crampy and a little cold with a super dry throat. They give me water, offer me apple juice that was too sweet, and the dryest saltine crackers I've ever tasted. I left two packs there... Gross. In came the doctor and told me they got... 3 Mentioned my previous myomectomy and the fact that I'm a heavy breather when I sleep, so ultimately my safety is the driving factor. Whatever. I forget to ask how many were mature, but the nurse tells me that the 3 she mentioned were mature. So that's that. Waiting until tomorrow for the fertilization report to know how many we have and when they will transfer; likely Friday. Was super ready to go, so I said so when asked. Came around front to where B was waiting, and then waddled my crampy self to the car. Stopped so I could get a nice bland egg white breakfast sandwich to take another doxy with and some water for my super parched throat. Ate it and then hopped in bed for a nap.

Now awake, I realized that I went from being worried that I would ovulate before retrieval and have nothing to being disappointed that I only had three. Not to optimistic, is it? I had to laugh at myself.

I realize this is a super long post, but I figured the best way for someone who is curious (like me) to understand this is for me to be as descriptive as possible.

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