Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Don't you want a baby?

My cousins (in-law) are moving to Cali, and had a going away celebration on Saturday.  I'd never met  her mom before then, when I was introduced as B's wife.  She offers me the seat next to her, and then asks in a hesitant voice, "Don't you want a baby?"

I took a line from my mom's favorite phrase and said, "If it happens...".  Inside, I feel like the bandage has been ripped off.  Family gatherings are getting harder and harder... two weeks ago, someone asked me if there was a bun in the oven yet. In front of a group of people.

I don't say that I would be pregnant except for the miscarriage... funny how conscious I am about making people feel uncomfortable when they don't seem to get how they are making me feel. I don't say that I want one so badly that I'm doing multiple injections a night and paying thousands of dollars for the chance to maybe have one. I don't mention B rearranging schedules to give samples and popping his own share of pills.

I don't mention that there are so many hopes pinned on the next 7 days... U/s yesterday shows 2 follicles ~ 11.5 and 4 > 10.  I pray that they keep growing and that we end up with more than one.

Or at least one that grows into a baby that we finally get to take home.


  1. My favorite thing to say to someone is "I'm sure you didn't mean to ask me something so personal". Shuts them right up. I'm sorry you had to face that. Prayers for your follies to grow!
