Saturday, June 6, 2015

First World Problems

I'm in a private group on This week, we had a little rant about FWP, a.k.a First World Problems. If you don't know what they are, I mean things like my computer is too old or I have to buy another pair of black shoes because the ones I have don't match my special outfit... things that don't matter to those with no electricity or Internet and don't have shoes. 

This morning, I was reading new posts, and laughing. I started reading them to B. It really brought home how blessed I am, even with this current struggle. 

Infertility is not a First World Problem, but IVF is. I realized today that as we bemoan the costs of cycling and move from one RE to the next in search of success, that it's a privilege to have this opportunity; one that I have simply by virtue of being born where I was and working where I do. 

So today, as I go in for monitoring and see if my 5 follies have grown, I say a prayer not just for those that I know, but for everyone struggling with infertility, particularly those in places with no options for treatment or the means to get help. 


  1. What a gracious sentiment! It is so kind to think of others when it is natural to focus on yourself. Praying for a great report on your follies!
